Sunday, January 25, 2015

Discounts for Term Life Insurance?

How can I get discounts on my term life insurance policy?

Yes, there are several ways you may be able to save some money on your term life insurance coverage.

When it comes to pricing term life insurance insurers consider several risk factors that impact your rate. These factors help the insurer determine your life expectancy.

Among the key risk factors are your health, lifestyle, occupation, hobbies, tobacco use, driving record, etc.

People with an average risk for life insurance are the "standard rate", and those with better than average risk based on their risk factors get a better (lower) rate compared the average person.

Discounts may be offered for excellent health, a good driving record, having multiple policies for insurance with the same insurance company, and having low cholesterol levels, among other things.

Learn more about discounts for term life insurance policies.

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